Cambria is equal distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco along beautifully scenic Highway One. It is small village of about 6600 residents and home to many artisans, wine makers, musicians, and surfer dudes. The primary economic source is tourism based largely on the fact that Cambria is located on the central coast of the beautiful Pacific and has dramatic rocky cliffs, beaches, and towering pines. Nearby sights include Hearst Castle, Nitt Witt Ridge, the Northern Elephant Seal Rockery, the southern end of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and an occasional whale passing through.
Weather ranges from perfect to near-perfect. When temperatures reach into the 100s just across the Santa Lucia Mountain range to the east, it is a comfortable 65 degrees in Cambria. When the fog rolls in, it is a comfortable 65 degrees. In winter, when it is a cold 40 degrees to the east of the Santa Lucias, it is a comfortable 65 degrees in Cambria. Well you get the picture. If you’re lucky enough to live in Cambria, you’re lucky enough.
Visit our Cambria Chamber of Commerce for more information at www.cambriachamber.org.
Scared Crows of Cambria