Welcome to Italia. “Transportation strike is to begin at 10am and last until 1pm.” In true Italian style, they strike but are polite enough to tell you ahead of time and limit the inconvenience. Unfortunately, noting the bulletin at 9:55am with a 10:50 train to catch is not how I want to begin my morning. We rush to the vaparetto stop and hope for the best. And indeed, we receive good fortune. We reach our train with time to spare and are whisked away to the small city of Vicenza just 45 minutes east of Venezia.
We strolled the city and its beautiful main square. After a lunch of caprese con bufala we set off to the Basilica Palladiana and their special exhibit on “Tutankhamon, Caravaggio, Van Gogh. Evening and nocturnals from the Egyptians to the 20th Century.” Featured artists included selected paintings from many of my favorites: Caravaggio, Titian, Tintoretto, Turner, Monet, Pissarro, Van Gogh, Wyeth, Winslow Homer, Gauguin, and Klee. All in one huge beautiful building.
I ask about an Osteria for dinner and am told by the bookseller there are two options in the city. Though the city closes for the afternoon, the evening is a little livelier and the main Piazza dei Signori with its 250′ tower, palazzos and Basilica is a favorite gathering point for families and a wonderful father/son guitar/violin duet. Our inactivity may prepare us for the last great rush in Verona and Milano.