15 September 2021
Training through Germany
I love the tradition of dining on the sidewalks and in plazas. Weather here is perfect for outside seating. Dining in the fresh air and surrounded by the ongoing activity of local life gives me time to ruminate and people watch. It is always a pleasant, passive pastime.
Masks are no longer just for Halloween.
The pandemic has certainly changed the way I travel. I’m not a shopper but I engaged in a fun shopping spree today. In the past, entering a pharmacy to buy masks was something I would hardly have considered possible. To discuss with a pharmacist the benefits of one mask over another was unimaginable. And to have such a selection of vibrant colors! What fun! It was pointed out to me that last year these masks were selling for 20€. Who could have imagined masks would become the latest fashion statement? Selling today for 1.49€, or about $1.75, I am able to chose several in gray, black, red and simple, elegant white.
So, while idling over a cold Hefeweizen, I contemplate the age of the mask. I witness a variety of methods for mask wearing and storage. There is:
The wrist wearer: carrying one’s mask at the wrist indicates a person who needs nothing fancy, they want a mask handy and ready for use.
A mask in hand: beats two laying abandoned in the street.
The forearm wearer: indicates I won’t be needing my mask for awhile and I want it out of the way when lifting my beer to my lips.
Around the biceps: indicates a person just too cool to wrist it.
Stuffed in a pocket: statement is I don’t want to be seen with a mask but know I’ll need it soon.
Stuffed in a purse: I’m done, walking home, no more need.
Wearing on the face: either too lazy to remove the mask or elderly and forgot it was there.
Under the chin: I’m ready for anything. No need to store the mask because I’ll need it again at the next stop.
Worn on the forehead: Dummkopf?
No mask: too stupid to be in genetic pool and not welcome to come inside anywhere in Germany. I saw very few of these people.
It is said that those who wear bright, colorful socks show an increased depth of intelligence. I am sure that old saying now also applies to mask wearers.