Free-Range Thoughts – Brasil

24 September 2024

Life is good. I sit in the hotel bar in Rio de Janeiro, enjoying a cold Antarctica Original Cerveja, catching up on writing, watching YouTube, checking out news, hearing English around me even tho sometimes drowned out by fire alarms blasting.

The bartender goes about his business. I do too.

It has been a very busy 3 weeks. Time to collect my stream-of-thoughts. So many impressions, experiences, feelings. To answer the muzac piped into the lobby, yes Cindy, “girls they wanna have fun.”


Porto Jofre – Yaguará Patricia and Mikaela

22 Sept 2024

Natural alarm clock, not to be ignored!

I awake to an opera of birds. One cannot describe it as a symphony as it is too discordant, too raucous. The Curicaca’s endless squabbling as they chase about the grounds and into the trees will wake the soundest sleeper. It begins at first light and continues for hours. The beautiful pair of blue Hyacinth Macaws and the Taco Toucans cannot compete.

Also in the yard is Eddie. I call him this because I cannot look at the floppy long-eared jackass and not think of Shrek, the movie. Eddie silently stares, calmly ignores the monkeys and scurrying birds at his feet, and continues to search for a blade of grass.
