Gdańsk Poland

23-26 July 2014

DSC04319The entire city of Gdańsk, from the Upland Gate to the Motława Canal, every cobbled street and alley, is a masterpiece of architecture. Cool Baltic breezes rush over the city. Market Square is filled with monks, bürgers, wenches and knights. Children practice their swordsmanship while minstrels entertain. Ah, wandering maiden, you have arrived in the Dutch Renaissance capitol of Danzig in the midst of St. Dominic’s Fair and merchants, as they have for centuries, are rubbing their hands with glee.

Poznań Poland

21-22 July 2014

Each city has its history

Each city has its history

I’m confused. From the moment I arrived in Poznań I have been direction-challenged. Thankfully, my iPad gets me around. Just 125 miles northeast of Wrocław, Posnań has been a Polish city since the early 1900s and became a cruelly occupied city, first by the Germans, then by the Communists. But the real story of Poznań is the 1956 Uprising.

Wrocław Poland

19-21 July 2014

13th century Town Hall

13th century Town Hall

Entering Wrocław’s Rynek, or old market square, is a jaw-dropping experience. Its gothic town hall is an architectural masterpiece. Surrounded by a colorful plethora of citizens’ houses, filled with restaurants and strolling multitudes, the Rynek is a perfect square for rubbernecking. I immediately wish I had longer to visit. Wrocław has been designated a European Capital of Culture for 2016. I say don’t wait. Go now.


Kraków Poland

16-19 July 2014

Rynek Glówny  - Main Market Square from Cloth Hall to St. Mary's Basilica

Rynek Glówny – Main Market Square from Cloth Hall to St. Mary’s Basilica

Wow, now here is a city! Walkable historic center, lively, inexpensive, clean, good food and beer, cafés and street shopping. I immediately like the old-world atmosphere of Kraków. Its awesome main square is filled with the noises, conversations, horse carriages, music, and clinking glasses and cups of locals out to enjoy their city. I am happy to be here sharing it with them.


Bratislava Slovakia

12-16 July 2014

From St. Michael's Gate overlooking town hall tower, UFO, St. Martin's and Bratislava Castle.

From St. Michael’s Gate overlooking town hall tower, UFO, St. martin’s and Bratislava Castle.

Rarely in the 21st century can I travel in a country before the tourist explosion changes everything. I like Bratislava because it feels ‘eastern European.’ Travelers call it the “new Prague” and this could be true. Under its layer of grime, crumbling facades, Communist apartments and historical city center lies a fascinating, fun and up-and-coming travel destination. Not many Americans come here so book now before the hoards overrun this city as they did Prague.  (more…)

Nome Alaska

20140624-235145-85905412.jpgPicked up a button at the Visitor Center that says “I love Nome” and I do. But I get ahead of my story.

Writer’s are taught to answer the five ‘Ws’ – who, what, when, where, why.

Answers are: me, achieving a travel goal, today in Nome. The why is a little more complicated.
